Saturday, June 27, 2015




part 1



1 intro
3 why should we discuss Shaiv dhamm

             In this multi subjective era, I feel greatly honored by an invitation to present this paper , as in the field of academics, an artist like me is rarely invited. I hope these kind of  interconnect-invitees  among academic; semi academic & non academic thought flows enrich each other's networking capacity of knowledge.
             I am presenting this paper as semi academic Shiv which manifests itself in many manifestations (avatars)  such as senser, preceptor, observer, witness(sakshi) and  positioned as sanyasi-copy writer-director-poet-novelist- Bollywood film consultant to newcomers in context of contemporary scenario.
              My childhood as a villager in Nageshi Bandiwade and  kasbewala as a kolhapuri fellow who didn’t understand English language till 10th standard always kept me away from the direct influence of euro-centericism & my upbringing in Indian Darshnik dhara nurtured me as an Indian for whom Europe was a mere geographical continent in globe. I realized the influence of EUROPEAN paradigm rather late in life. I am clearing this factual side first because I feel that my position might have some ruptures & discontinuities in my understanding about Europe.
                I think that now it's time to treat THE EUROPE  as Europe rather than Rulers. Their historical position-play is too much overemphasized by our post colonial thinkers which has polluted our knowledge-environment so rootedly that our fruit of knowledge is genetically handicapped rather seedi-capped by EUROPEAN think tank. I am not swadeshivadi like Mahatma Gandhi but I feel that our accomodational powerhouse must have space for Indian breathing to keep vitality redbloodcellic in this virtual hyper reality. This emphasis on space for Indian breathing is naturally bound to transform the priority of Indian paradigms over EUROPEAN paradigms making the remapping of alternative discourse possible. It is observable to look at EUROPEAN subject & how it malfunctions  in  identification of Indian identity. Let me narrate a real life incident.
                “This was in 2003! I was spreading the raw rice to dewater it in my house-yard. Suddenly a British couple stopped their car in front of my house to buy the cigarette. While he was purchasing, a woman in car unintentionally looked at me. I was in musical mood like an Indian farmer and singing the song while working
     “My heart goes shakalaka in the Morning ……… …
      My Heart goes shakalaka in the sunshine”
I was dressed in typical  Bombay style I e the Bermuda pant and baniyan . She was completely surprised by this scenario.
“ The Indian farmer with English song working on rice crop”
She exclaimed, “Ohh God! Look ….What globalization has done to Indian farmer! No! No!...”
She meant that a farmer in the Goan Village is doing his job & yet singing English song. Naturally she didn’t know that I work in Bollywood .
                Here she was interpreting my textuality through the EUROPEAN paradigm. An English textual representation in ‘song’  as a metaphor of globalization & my ‘Working’ as a metaphor of Indian farmer. She couldn’t read an empty rupture which was hiddenly chaired in my cosmopolitan identity as it was not present in front of her textual networking.  Her outsiderness supplemented her real perspective with misleading conclusion & she missed the bus of main text unintentionally.
                So, point is , instead of watching India through EUROPEAN paradigm I think it's better to interpret EUROPEAN & Indian paradigms through Indian  darshan-line for which I am using Indian terminology in this discourse as I believe that it will work as a correct conceptual tool to express Indian ethos.

         In INDIA every Darshnik has to give his own darshan-lineage first.
         I am official Pujari of RAWALHNATH TEMPLE in NAGESHI-BANDIWDE and naturally well connected to this lineage. I was official SHAIV GURU by birth but I abandoned this post for my spiritual sadhna. My lineage begins from BHAGWAN SHIV. Here I am giving it as it's given to me by my grandfather Vasudev Naik.
                                Bhagwan Shiva
                               Sakharam Tilve
                                    Hari Naik
                          Shridhar Govind Tilve
                              Vasudev Naik
                 Shridhar ShantaramTilve/Naik
After my spiritual sadhna it has changed as below

                              Bhagwan Shiva
                          CHATRAPATI SHIVAJI
                               SAKHARAM Tilve
                                    Hari Naik
                               Mahatma Phule
            Ramkrishna paramhans and Vivekananda
                          Shridhar Govind Tilve
                           Babasaheb Ambedkar
                              Vasudev Naik
                   Shridhar ShantaramTilve/Naik

               Somebody can ask question why I am doing this PASTNETal historical nonsense here? Who care about your  lineage ? But dear,  paradigm play starts from this nonsense. We bollywood people always do our first NAMAN to either NATRAJ OR GANRAJ and nobody feels any nonsense in it because pasting is in our genetical conditioning and on one or other level we all are related with SHAIV DHAMM.
              Why should we study SHAIV DHAMM AND IT'S  DARSHANS. There are lots  of reasons behind it.

        • 1 First it's the first intellectual discourse happened in INDIA whose evidences are available in all forms (SEALS TO VERNACULAR TEXTS) FLOWING from INDUS CIVILIZATION to CURRENT INDIAN CIVILIZATION.)
        • 2 It's still alive in INDIA and  80% INDIANS are following it in one or other form.
        • 3 So called HINDU religion is derived from it.
        • 4 I am born and brought up in this darshan .
        • 5 It's the only darshan which has continuity of 10000 - 7000 years
Continuity of Indian Culture is the continuity of Shaiv Darshan or SHAIV DHAMM
        • 6 It's the only darshan which is open to all Varnas, castes, tribes, religions, races, and areas. Naturally textualization is continue.
        • 7 It's by birth feminist and shakti has equally  important part in creation of world. It's equally open to all women and women in this darshan from PARVTI to AKKMAHADEVI . It's the only darshan in world in which enlightened mukt is projected in form of ARDHNARINATESHWAR.
        • 8 It's the only dhamma which has created four darshanas with various aspect
VAISHISHIK(spand to kan)
NYAY(samtol and equality through anthkaran)
SANKHYA(purush-prakruti 24 tatwas)
        • 9 It's the only darshan in which whole family is involved i e SHANKAR-PARVATI-GANPATI-SKAND
        • 10 Current INDIAN DIASPORA was initiated by this darshan through SAIBABA/SAINATH who attained MUKTI through yoga and KUNDLANI YOGA
        • 11It's the only darshan which is open to untouchables also.
        • 12 It's the only darshan which occure in most of the INDIAN ADIVASIS.It means it's SPREAD in MARGI,DESHI,POTI,AND JAMATI
        • 13It's the only darshan whose first family executed family planning through SPIRITUAL CONTROL SANYAM. TWO SONS AND ONE DAUGHTER.
        • 14 It's the only Indian Darshan which has healthy relationship with devas , rakshas as well as asuras.
        • 15 It's the only darshan in which NAGAS DRAVIDS AND ARYANS are well-assembled.
        • 16 It's darshan by first enlightened person
        • 17 Surprisingly it's the first darshan respected by MUSLIMS also who dance in  GANPATI festival. As it's open to all everybody is allowed and young generation of MUSLIMS is participating in it following SALMAN KHAN.  Many muslim spiritual seekers are ready to accept BHAGWAN SHIV as first prophet which is really rare scenario.

          I hope these reasons are enough for thoughtspandaning.

chapter 2
 source of indian paradigm:knowledge network of shaivas
 In previous chapter I discuss lineage and reasons behind the study. After lineage we can explore the knowledge network of SHAIV DHAMM. Shaiv Dhamm begins with AGAM . So we also begins with actual CONTENT AND STRUCTURE of first AGAM of INDIA given by BHAGWAN SHIV 7000 years ago.
 Naturally it's also first and most ancient PASHUPAT DARSHAN.NAKULISH, Lakuilish and others carried forward it with their own perspective. Some thinkers assumed that LAKULISH AND NAKULISH were one person. According to my home tradition it's absolutely wrong. NAKULISH means the man without any kul. For VEDIK tradition it became impossible to accept him as pioneer of PASHUPAT DARSHAN AFTER SHIVA because an acceptance of somebody who was an orphan or may be bastard means anybody can attain KAIVALYAPRAPTI which was totally against their VARNVYAVSTHA. So they tried their best to erase the name of NAKULISH and establish the name of his disciple LAKULISH as pioneer of PASHUPAT DARSHAN. Fortunately INDONESHIAN SHAIV TRADITION has survived the name of NAKULISH and clearly mentioned that PATANJALI was disciple of NAKULISH.
AGAM is the central theme of SHAIV DHAMM. Without AGAM there will be no difference between HUMAN and OTHER ANIMALS. THE WILL TO MUKTI, THE WILL TO TRANSCEND HUMANNESS makes HUMAN being divine. First AGAM in the history of Humankind was given by SHIV . That's why many times first AGAM was recognized by his name . He named it as PASHUPAT AGAM. Every AGAM is consisted of two parts
1 darshan
2 upay
              Let's discuss darshan first. I have done some changes according to new age so that young generation will understand it.
According to PASHUPAT AGAM body has DASHDWARS (ten doors)through which we communicate with this world .

1 and 2 : two eyes
3 and 4 : two ears
5 and 6 : two nostrils
7           : one mouth
8           : one sex door
9            :one shit door
10          :one  THIRD EYE

According to PASHUPAT AGAM body has one awaran i. e. one SURFACE

11           :one SKIN

According to PASHUPAT AGAM body has five karmkar (Actioners)

12 and 13 : two legs
14 and 15 : two hands
16             : one tongue

According to PASHUPAT AGAM body  has five tanmatras( tan +man+atra
 i. e . body+ mind+ connection)

17  shabd -words
18  sparsh-touch
19  rup- form
20  ras -taste
21  gandh- smell

Recently we use the word BRAIN . In  PASHUPAT AGAM we use the word ANTHKARAN. Under the influence of European and Muslim paradigms we interpret ANTHKARAN as heart which is absolutely nonsense. According to PASHUPAT AGAM ANTH-KARAN means an assemblage of
22 intelligence
23 mind 
24 ego
Through these principles i.e. dashdwaras,awaran,karmkaras, tanmatras, and anthkaran
25 jeev (purush)
26 jeeva (shakti/prakruti)
interacted with this cosmos.
How this cosmos came into exist                                                                                     
consisted of
28 shivling BEING
29 shaktiling CREATING
                       exploded into an
30 explosion(sphot)BIG BANG
creation of cosmos happened
31 cosmos BRAMHAND
32 samtol (balance)-ISHWAR
and now it's spreading everywhere. Samtol is ISHWAR
After samtol Cosmos entered into DIMENTION i e.
33 space -avkash
34 time - kal
It created jeev,nirjeev and sanjeev. Sanjeev is the jeev who attained KAIVALYA OR NIRWAN or shivtv and VIDYA of transforming jeev into SANJEEV is SANJEEVANI.
According to PASHUPAT AGAM all jeev have five shaktis (WILLS)
35 dnyanshakti - intellect-will
36 ichashakti- desire-will
37 nirmanshakti -creativity-will
38 satshakti- physicality-will
39 mayashakti- MAYA-WILL

Shankaracharya changed the real meaning of maya. In PASHUPAT AGAM MAYA is real. When body loss SAMTOL 5 SHAKTIS creates 5 MALH AROUND THEM  AND JEEV (PURUSH) BECOMES MALIN

According to PASHUPAT AGAM all jeev lived in and through panchmahabhute - five elements

40 sky
41 fire
42 air
43 earth
44 water
All Panchmahabhute are made up of
45 spand
46 kan(particles)
47 anu (atom)
All JEEV are made up of
45 spand
46 kan(particles)
47 anu (atom)
48 sushupti
49 mooladhar chakra
50 swadhisthan chakra
51 manipur chakra
52 anahat chakra
53 vishuddha chakra
54 agdnya chakra
55 sahastrar chakra

 57 pratyabhidnya or selfrealisation
 58 upay-spiritual sadhna
jeev became mukt
And attain
Western scholars are always confused about SHAIV DHAMM because they assumed that like elsewhere SHAIV DHAMM must be started with BHAKTI OR DEVOTION . Unfortunately rather fortunately this is not the case. It started from yogopay and bhakti entered later in this dhamm. That's why we don't find temples in INDUS VALLY CIVILIZATION but we find PASHUPATI IN YOGIK MUDRA.
 Later AGAMS like NAKULISH, LAKULISH , SANKHYA , YOGSUTRE , SIDHHANT SHAIV, VIRSHAIV , VAISHESHIK, NYAY added or subtracted some principles. For example SANKHYA DARSHAN OF KAPIL MUNI. He has subtracted tatwas into 25 tatwas. According to him
1 jeev(purush)
2 jeeva(shakti/prakruti)

3 intelligence
4 ego
According to SANKHYA body  has five tanmatras( tan +man+atra i. e . body+mind+connection)

5  shabd -words
6  sparsh-touch
7  rup- form
8  ras -taste
9  gandh- smell
these tatwas create
According to SANKHYA body has five dnyanedriy -senses 
11 chakshu : two eyes
12 srotr : two ears
13 ghran : two nostrills
14 rasna
15  twak :one SKIN

According to SANKHYA body has five karmkar
16  legs
17  hands
18  one toungue
 19 one sex door
 20 one shit door
  According to SANKHYA all jeev lived in and through panchmahabhute - five elements
21 fire
22 air
23 earth
24 water
25 sky
               WHY KAPIL DELETED OTHER TATWAS? For an answer we have to search history of KAPIL.
 Kapil muni was the son of Asur Prahlad who got this darshan from shaiv tradition in form of shashtitantra. Unfortunately it's not available but mentioned in ISHWARKRISHNA'S SANKHYAKARIKA's karika no 72
 Kapil gives it to ASURI and ASURI gives it to PANCHSHIKHA ASURI was his sister The lineage has been given in SANKHYAKARIKA as
Panca Shikha,


 |Sanaka. (see karika no 70)
                     KAPIL has great tradition of aetheism in his house. His grandfather HIRANYA-KASHYAP and granduncle HIRANYA-GARBH were atheist ASURS and fought with DEVAS for their philosophy and got killed by vedik people.Later VEDIK-BRAHMIN  made the story of VARAHAVTAR AND NRUSINH AVTAR out of it.
                     His father PRALHAD WAS ASTIK because he was kidnapped by INDRA and later broughy up by devas. Surprisingly his son VIROCHAN went to PRAJAPATI of his time but returned as FOLLOWER OF LOKAYAT who believes only body . KAPIL like his bro was also different and once again returned to atheism. Naturally  when he became SHAIV he ommitted those tatwas which can make his darshan astik and started his darshan straight from LING - PURUSH- PRAKRUTI. He  gave it to his sister ASURI .As both have tradition of atheism in their house they easily understood shaiv darshan. Kapil knows the concept of ling . That's why it appears in SANKHYAKARIKA (see karika no 10, 20,52)
                As usual VEDIK BRAHMINS hijacked KAPIL and presented HIM AS VEDIL SEER in  vedik form but surprisingly they forget what's written in karika no 2 . It says vedik upay doesn't work.
                  Recently the most ridiculous form of hijacking happened in AMERICA (U S A )in name of KAPIL. Chandrasekar saraswati the 68th Jagadguru in the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham held a view that the great seer and pioneer of sankhya darshan kapila lived in present day California .He cited the presence of ash and horse island near california (The 60,000 sons of Sagara found the ashvamedha horse, and believing Kapila to be the abductor assaulted him. Kapila turned his assailants to ashes)and said California was actually kapilaaranya (forest of kapila) Through this logic they are claiming CALIFORNIA. So corruption is still on.
                 The original sankhya darshan was atheist .
 After an emergence of SCIENCE srishtiy yug added  HISTORY AND PSYCHOLOGY and development of TECHNOLOGY in pratisrushtiy yug added FUTUROLOGY in it. Recently BIOSIGNOVERSE has added PASTOLOGY (history is replaced by pastalogy in BIOSIGNOVERSE) in it . So in current scenario DARSHAN, PASTALOGY(BHUTOGAM), PSYCHOLOGY(MANOGAM) AND FUTUROLOGY(BHAVISHYOGAM) should  work together to enhance the HUMAN BEING. Pastalogy provides the knowledge of PAST , Futurology  provide the knowledge about future , Psychology will teach you how to  handle your PRESENT and DARSHAN will teach you how to transcend PAST FUTURE PRESENT AND YOUR MIND.
 What's the best or worst feature of PASHUPAT AGAM? I am combining worst and best together here because in reality it's so. What's it? IT'S LACK OF KARMFALSIDDHHANT WHICH BECAME MAIN FEATURE OF ALL INDIAN DARSHANS. PASHUPAT DARSHAN JUST DON'T BOTHER ABOUT KARMFALSIDDHANT. Naturally it becomes extremely difficult for EUROPEAN THINKERS AND CONVERTED EUROPEAN THINKERS to understand SHAIV DHAMM.
 Let's take an example. Will Durant is the best example to discuss in this matter because he has discussed and understood ''karmfalsiddhant '' very COMPASSIONATELY AND ACCURATELY in his book ''HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION''. He says
                ''Life can be understood, says the Hindu, only on the assumption that each existence is bearing the penalty or enjoying the fruits of vice or virtue in some antecedent life. No deed small or great, good or bad, can be without effect; everything will out. This is the Law of Karma the Law of the Deed the law of causality in the spiritual world; and it is the highest and most terrible law of all. If a man does justice and kindness without sin his reward cannot come in one mortal span; it is stretched over other lives in which, if his virtue persists, he will be reborn into loftier place and larger good fortune; but if he lives evilly he will be reborn as an Outcaste, or a weasel, or a dog. M t This law of Karma, like the Greek Moira or Fate, is above both gods and men; even the gods do not change its absolute operation; or, as the theologians put it, Karma and the will or action of the gods are one. 88 But Karma is not Fate; Fate implies the helplessness of man to determine his own lot; Karma makes him (taking all his lives as a whole) the creator of his own destiny. Nor do heaven and hell end the work of Karma, or the chain of births and deaths; the soul, after the death of the body, may go to hell for special punishment, or to heaven for quick and special reward; but no soul stays in hell, and few souls stay in heaven, forever; nearly every soul that enters them must When the Hindu is asked why we have no memory of our past incarnations, he answers that likewise we have no memory of our infancy; and as we presume our infancy to explain our maturity, so he presumes past existences to explain our place and fate in our present life. t A monk explained his appetite on the ground that in a previous existence he had been an elephant, and Karma had forgotten to change the appetite with the body. 88 A woman of strong odor was believed to have been formerly a fish." CHAP.XVIIl) THE PARADISE OF THE GODS 515 sooner or later return to earth, and live out its Karma in new incarnations."* Biologically there was much truth in this doctrine. We are the reincarnations of our ancestors, and will be reincarnated in our children; and the defects of the fathers are to some extent (though perhaps not as much as good conservatives suppose) visited upon the children, even through many generations. Karma was an excellent myth for dissuading the HUMAN beast from murder, theft, procrastination, or offcrtorial parsimony; furthermore, it extended the sense of moral unity and obligations to all life, and gave the moral code an extent of application far greater, and more logical, than in any other civilization. Good Hindus do not kill insects if they can possibly avoid it; "even those whose aspirations to virtue are modest treat animals as humble brethren rather than as lower creatures over whom they have dominion by divine command." 41 Philosophically, Karma explained for India many facts otherwise obscure in meaning or bitterly unjust. All those eternal inequalities among men which so frustrate the eternal demands for equality and justice; all the diverse forms of evil that blacken the earth and redden the stream of history; all the suffring that enters into HUMAN life with birth and accompanies it unto death, seemed intelligible to the Hindu who accepted Karma; these evils and injustices, these variations between idiocy and genius, poverty and wealth, were the results of past existences, the inevitable working out of a law unjust for a life or a moment, but perfectly just in the cnd.f Karma is one of those many inventions by which men have sought to bear * The Hindus believe in seven heavens, one of them on earth, the others rising in gradations above it; there arc twenty-one hells, divided into seven sections. Punishment is not eternal, but it is diversified. Perc Dubois' description of the Hindu hells rivals Dante's account of Inferno, and illustrates, like it, the many fears, and the sadistic imagination, of mankind. "Fire, steel, serpents, venomous insects, savage beasts, birds of prey, gall, poison, stenches; in a word, everything possible is employed to torment the damned. Some have a cord run through their nostrils, by which they are forever dragged over the edges of extremely sharp knives; others arc condemned to pass through the eye of a needle; others are placed between two flat rocks, which meet, and crush, without killing, them; others have their eyes pecked incessantly by famished vultures; while millions of them continually swim and paddle in a pool filled with the urine of dogs or with the mucus from men's nostrils."40 Such beliefs were probably the privilege of the lowest Hindus and the strictest theologians. We shall find it easier to forgive them if we remember that our own Hell, unlike that of India, was not only varied, but eternal. fThe belief in Karma and transmigration is the greatest theoretical obstacle to the removal of the caste system from India; for the orthodox Hindu presumes that caste differences are decreed by the soul's conduct in past lives, and are part of a divine plan which it would be sacrilegious to disturb.
evil patiently, and to face life with hope. To explain evil, and to find for men some scheme in which they may accept it, if not with good cheer, then with peace of mind-this is the task that most religions have attempted to fulfill. Since the real problem of life is not suffering but undeserved suffering, the religion of India mitigates the HUMAN tragedy by giving meaning and value to grief and pain. The soul, in Hindu theology, has at least this consolation, that it must bear the consequences only of its own acts; unless it questions all existence it can accept evil as a passing punishment, and look forward to tangible rewards for virtue borne. But in truth the Hindus do question all existence. Oppressed with an enervating environment, national subjection and economic exploitation, they have tended to look upon life as more a bitter punishment than an opportunity or a reward. The Vedas, written by a hardy race coming in from the north, were almost as optimistic as Whitman; Buddha, representing the same stock five hundred years later, already denied the value of life; the Puranas, five centuries later still, represented a view more profoundly pessimistic than anything known in the West except in stray moments of philosophic doubt.* The East, until reached by the Industrial Revolution, could not understand the zest with which the Occident has taken life; it saw only superficiality and childishness in our merciless busyness, our discontented ambition, our nerve-racking labor-saving devices, our progress and speed; it could no more comprehend this profound immersion in the surface of things, this clever refusal to look ultimates in the face, than the West can fathom the quiet inertia, the "stagnation" and "hopelessness"
From above discussion anybody can understand the importance of KARMFALSIDDHANT in Indian Darshanas. All Indian Darshanas are occupied by 6 themes
Out of them ATMA REBIRTH AND MOKSHA are related with KARMFALSIDHHANT as elaborated by WILL DURANT and here is a DARSHAN which is not supporting it. Naturally ORIGINAL PASHUPAT DARSHAN IS NOT INCLUDED IN SHAD-DARSHNAS. Surprisingly SANKHYA, YOG,LOKAYAT, BAUDH AND JAIN all are AGAMS and yet they are included in this list but THE FIRST INDIAN DARSHAN PASHUPAT DARSHAN is not included in this list because it's difficult for any civilization to digest a darshan without karmfal. The whole ethical base gets destroyed by it and no civilization wanted it.Does it mean that PASHUPAT DARSHAN has no ethical base? No! It has strong ethical base rather PASHUPAT DARSHAN invented this base for whole Humankind. What's it?
What's the difference between YAM- NIYAM AND ETHICS OF OTHER RELIGION AND DARSHANAS? According to PASHUPAT AGAM following are the YAM
According to PASHUPAT AGAM following are the NIYAMS
5BALANCE IN EVERY ACT i e  ISHWARPRADHINAN But these yam-niyam are for individual not for society. Naturally there is no place for dharmshastra. SHAIV DHAMM recommended dandniti  i.e. constitution in modern term but strongly against rituals. DANDNITI changes according to time but DHARMSHASTRA never changed. It's SANATAN. SHAIV DHAMM is not interested in SANATAN DHARMSHASTRA.
Then what should an individual do? He should follow YAM-NIYAM in private and public life but not for society but for his/or her benefit. Shaivagam says that yamas will give you following benfits or advantages
1 grounding in  non-violence destroyes all kind of hostilitities.
2 grounding in  truthfulness liberates you from communication  crime and in the end you transcend social engineering.
 3 grounding in nonstealing creates inner jewels like shanti peace
4 grounding in  controlled sexuality, nonadultary , nonrapingness  creates vigour valour and vitality of bioenergy
5 grounding in  aparigrah nonpossession unwanting unlocks the  knowledge of how ? why? whereof  ? of  existence.
 Same with niyams .Every  individuals should follow NIYAMS for his /her KALYAN not for any exterior purpose.
 1 grounding in  cleanliness destroyes  all kind of germs which are unhealthy
2 grounding in  santosh  liberates you from expectations and you will do only necessary  things for your bliss not for any returns
 3 grounding in TAP means consistency in attempts and hard work which gives you plesure  and atleast selfsatisfaction that you tried your best.
4 grounding in  knowledge saves your time and before any action your knowledge gives you map of action through which you know how you are going to plan and execute it .
5 grounding in balance gives you proper perfectness which prohibit you to do any criminal and illegal activity and also gives perfect psychological balance. SAMTOL(BALANCE) is the key of good lifestyle.
  For western mind it becomes difficult to understand this logic because their own religions are full of rituals and social ethics and here is a darshan which is not giving any ritual or social ethics. INDIANS are still under the influence of SHAIV DHAMM. That's why they are still creating  chaos and confusion in western and converted western minds. YAM doesn't mean commandments . YAMS didn't come as orders to mankind . Rather for SHAIV DHAMM there is no such thing as mankind. SHIVISM doesn't believe in abstraction. Naturally it doesn't provide any social material for study and gives frustration to sociologist. For SHAIV DHAMM society is just a NETAMBLAGE WHICH requires DANDNITI for rule and regulation. All so called social acts are real SHAKTI-LEELA OR PRODUCT OF MALAS and an individual who controls the mal  is called  MALLA. This thinking created a separate GAN NAMED MLL GAN IN INDIA which aspired to become MLL. Whatever social is programmed by society and for Kaivalyaprati social programming becomes an obstacle. For free thinking you have to transcend SOCIAL and then dissocialize yourself. An attainment of Kaivalyaprati gives you natural YAMNIYAMIK attitude and you execute ethics as natural flow not as social conditioning.
All agamas are open to all casts , varnas, religion, sects, and races.They are open to all
 2  ANWIKSHIKI                
 ANWIKSHIKI TEXTS also have their own importance. NYAYDARSHAN,VAISHESHIK DARSHAN AND LOKAYAT DARSHANS, SANKHYA, YOGA ,  AYURVED are texts of ANWIKSHIKI. Chanakya has included LOKAYAT , SANKHYA AND YOG in ANWIKSHIKI. The word ANVESHAN emerged from ANWIKSHIKI.  I think SANKHYA AND YOGA mainly belong to AGAM. Yet they are included in ANWIKSHIKI by CHANAKYA  because they explore medical science and physiology. NYAY studies the knowledge and it's logic and methods. Vaisheshik studies the physical sciences like physics, chemistry and Ayurved ,  biology and HUMAN body for medical purpose. Shiva was himself VAIDYESHWER.  Currently we can say that all sciences are anwikshiki.          
There are various VIDYAs like CARPENTRY constructed by SHIVBHAKT VISHWKARMA or ARCHITECT constructed by SHIVBHAKT MAYASUR. According to SHAIV DHAMM sociology is VIDYA which studies Society i.e.  SAMAJVIDYA . We can safely say that all HUMAN sciences like sociology came under title ''VIDYA'' . SHAIV DHAMM excluded economics from it because ARTH is different JIVANARTH for SHAIV DHAMM and VARTA AND DANDNITY together forms ARTHSHASTRA. Surprisingly we are using the word ''MANAV VIDYA'' for HUMANITIES without knowing hidden meaning. It's the perfect word for HUMANITIES.
                 After mastering VIDYA i.e. practical knowledge you have to master skill of making producing things.  TANTRA means technology and technique.  
The world famous KAMSHATRA is also branch of knowledge for SHAIV DHAMM . KAMSHASTRA was given by shiv to Nandi and Nandi gave it to MALLANAG and MALLANAG gave it to Babhravya AND Babhravya INITIATED IT TO MANY AUTHORS in one lineage. VATSYAYAN received it from this  lineage. Vatsyayan himself says
  ''IN the beginning, the Lord of Beings created men and women, and in the form of
commandments in one hundred thousand chapters laid down rules for regulating their existence
with regard to Dharma, [1] Artha, [2] and Kama. [3] Some of these commandments, namely
those which treated of Dharma, were separately written by Swayambhu Manu; those that
related to Artha were compiled by Brihaspati; and those that referred to Kama were expounded
by Nandi, the follower of Mahadeva, in one thousand chapters.
Now these 'Kama Sutra' (Aphorisms on Love), written by Nandi in one thousand chapters, were
reproduced by Shvetaketu, the son of Uddvalaka, in an abbreviated form in five hundred
chapters, and this work was again similarly reproduced in an abridged form, in one hundred and
fifty chapters, by Babhravya, an inheritant of the Punchala (South of Delhi) country''
(SEE PAGE NO 8 The Vatsayayana Kama SutraThe Classic translation of 1883 by Sir Richard Burton )
      He further says ,
 'while closing treatisescience, because it ought to be remembered that it is the intention of the science, that the rules
which it contains should only be acted upon in particular cases. After reading and considering the works of Babhravya and other ancient authors, and thinking over the meaning of the rules given by them, the Kama Sutra was composed, according to the precepts of Holy Writ, for the benefit of the world, by Vatsyayana, while leading the life of a religious student, and wholly engaged in the contemplation of the Deity.'
(SEE PAGE NO 121 The Vatsayayana Kama SutraThe Classic translation of 1883 by Sir Richard Burton)
He was hardcore follower of SHAIV TANTROPAY. So he says
                      'This work is not intended to be used merely as an instrument for satisfying our desires. A person, acquainted with the true principles of this science, and who preserves his Dharma,Artha, and Kama, and has regard for the practices of the people, is sure to obtain the masteryover his senses.' 
'In short, an intelligent and prudent person, attending to Dharma and Artha, and attending to Kama also, without becoming the slave of his passions, obtains success in everything that he may undertake.'
(SEE PAGE NO 121 The Vatsayayana Kama SutraThe Classic translation of 1883 by Sir Richard Burton )     Many shaiv temples gives proper  place to kammudra and lingraj temple in bhuvneshwar is famous example of it.
  VARTA means agriculture,pashupalan and commerce. MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURE PASHUPALAN AND COMMERCE is included in VARTA. Arya CHANAKYA has discussed VARTA in detail in his famous book ARTHSHASTR.
 Shukrachary the devotee of SHIVA BECAME GURU OF ASURAS and for asur kings he developed DANDNITI.Later VISHLAKSH combined it with VARTA AND ANWIKSHIKI . ARYA CHANKYA combined them to VEDAS aand created ARTHSHASTR.  ASURAS have their text created by SHUKRACHARY IN FORM OF DANDNITI Kautilya has mentioned SHAIV opinion by quoting  VISHALAKSH (He was the son of  TRUNBINDU THE KING OF VAISHALI NAGRI AND APSARA ALAMBUSH) ( for DETAILS  see kautilyas's arthshastr  MARATHI TRANSLATION BY B R HIWARGAOKAR FIRST EDITION 1927 VARDA PRAKASHAN NINTH EDITION 1988  )
Vishalaksh says,
“No deliberation,” says Visáláksha, “made by a single person will be successful; the nature of the work which a sovereign has to do is to be inferred from the consideration of both the visible(pratyaksh) and invisible(paroksh) causes. The perception of what is not or cannot be seen, the conclusive decision of whatever is seen, the clearance of doubts as to whatever is susceptible of two opinions, and the inference of the whole when only a part is seen(anuman)--all this is possible of decision only by ministers. Hence he shall sit at deliberation with persons of wide intellect'' (SEE kautilyas's arthshastr adhikaran 1 adhaya 15 MANTRADHIKAR TRANS BY R SHAMASHASTRI GOVT PRESS 1915) 
As mentioned above through Vishalaksh we came to know that SHAIV DHAMM believed in three pramanas
1 pratyaksh i e by direct sense like eyes  
2 paroksh i e by other eyewitness
3 anuman i e in shaiv dhamm anuman means guess by logical investigation. King has been advised to believe only these three pramanas.Kautilya asked king to use these three pramanas while giving justice.SHAIV DHAMM ALWAYS BELIEVE WARTA(technology),TANTRA AND ANWIKSHIQI(the science of anwashan means analysis)That's why almost all SHAIV FOLLOWERS were more interested in practical works like carpentery, architecture, clothproduction, etc. than socalled abstract theology of DHARMSHASTRA.In return all so-called religion GIVE them STATUS OF SHUDRA.
  Kautilya used ASURA'S Shukracharya's dandniti , SURA'S Brihspati's arth , SHAIVA'S Vishalaksha's varta , anvikshiki , dandniti ,  tantra and wrote  ARTHSHASTRA on basis of vedik's dharmshastra. Surprisingly in ANWIKSHKI he includes the study of three darshans 1 sankhya 2 yoga 3 lokayat First two are shaiv darshanas in vedic language and third one is atheist . He began his book with OM which is typical influence of SHAIV . (You will never find OM in VEDAS) He was himself devotee of BHAGWAN SHIV. So what was his own religion. An answer is obvious. Like all current MODERN vediks he was  VEDIK SHAIV who believes SHAIV DHAMM AND VEDIK DHARMSHASTR simultaneously. VEDIK SHAIV is SHAIV
1 who does spiritual sadhna according to SHAIV DHAMM (Generally it's YOG)
2 who believes in worshipping SHIVA and performing vedik rituals
3 who believes VEDA'S THINKING also
4 who believes open varnsystem not by birth but by karma i. e. karmik varnvyavstha
Naturally he was opposed by all BRAHMNIK SHAIV
1 who does spiritual sadhna according to SHAIV DHAMM (Generally it's YOG)
2 who believes in worshipping SHIVA and performing vedik rituals
3 who believes VEDA'S THINKING also
4 who believes close varnsystem  by birth  i. e. janmik varnvyavstha
1 who never does any spiritual sadhna
2 who believes only  in performing vedik rituals in form of yagnya
3 who believes VEDA'S THINKING also
4 who believes close varnsystem  by birth  i. e. janmik varnvyavstha
5 who decline WORSHIP considering it as backward rituals.
They were against CHANDRAGUPTA because according to them CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA was never KSHATRIY. CHANKYA didn't care about these traditional Brahmins and in MARRAIGESYSTEM also he supported marraige of HELENA AND CHANDRAGUPT MAURYA.I am telling this because recently SHAIV didn't bother about SONIA GANDHI'S ORIGINAL because she wasn't first european for SHAIVS . Helena initiated intermix marraige 2300 years back.   
   That's why after independence 1947 no shaiv hindu oppossed constitution but VEDIK,BRAHMANIK and VAISHNAV wanted to maintain their DHARMSHASTR and they tried to create independent HINDU CODE BILL. This alienation of SHAIV DHAMM from DHARM isn't affordable and all shaivas should think seriously about it . No doubt dharm changes according to time and it's good that SHAIVAS AND THEIR SANGHS WHICH BECAME CAST IN LATER AGE  are flexible  about it but sometime it can bring disaster also because if political body with traditional agenda comes into power it's possible that SHAIVAS may accept it without any resistance.They had done it many times in their history. We will discuss this issue in details elsewhere.                              
Varta and dandniti together creates ARTHSHASTRA in ancient time .
 After dhamm SHAIV DIRECTLY entered in technology and management without creating ideology. Arthshastr and kamshasra are about management not about ideology because of lacking of dharm.HUMANity travelled from dharm (religion) to ideology. As there was no dharm IN SHAIV DHAMM , possibility of ideology also didn't happened.
    To protect VARTA, DAND AND NITI you need military and police. In SHAIV DHAMM both institute should learn SHASTRVIDYA AS WELL AS MARTIAL ARTS . SHAIV DHAMM has very intersting history regarding MARTIAL ARTS . It's assigned to SHIVDISCIPLE PARSHURAM . Let me clear one thing. PARSHURAM in shaiv tradition is totally different from what he became after vedik-brahmnik-vaishnvik PARASHURAM.
                           PARSHURAM was a great warrior born and brought up in KOLI KUL IN APRANT WHICH BECAME MAHADEV KOLHI AFTER acceptance of shaivagam under the leadership of PARSHURAM .
                           Shri Parashuram left home to SEARCH PEACE and after meeting with shiva he became his disciple. Shiva realised that he has great potential of great warrior. Parashuram's  sincere devotion, intense desire for learning , extreme fearlessness pleased SHIVA and he started to give him training. WHEN he felt that Parshuram has become complete warrior he challenged him. The spiritual master Lord Shiva and the disciple Shri Parashuram were locked in a fierce battle. The fight lasted for three days. Shiva won it but Parshuram's valour satisfied SHIVA. He gifted his own Parshu and ordered him to clean the APRANT THE WESTERN COASTAL AREA OF INDIA FROM MAHARASHTRA KONKAN GOA TO KARNATAK KERALA COASTAL AREA and make it proper for cultivation .
                           Parashuram did it with the help of RAWALHNATH/RAWALHNAG AND HIS NAG COMMUNITY and created new land for all NAGAS. Shiva wanted  to make him CHIEF of the area but he handed this area to RAVALHNATH/RAVALHNAG as he was more interested in MUKTI . He entered into sadhna of KUNDLINI. Guhagar was his main place of sadhna but  he travelled INDIA like his GURU SHIVA.  Agsti was also another SHIVAS DISCIPLE and to protect AGASTI AND HIS DISCIPLES he developed first weaponery martial art KALARIPAYATTU and taught them. After some months AGASTI found it violent and requested PARSHURAM to make it NONVIOLENT. Parshuram made it NONVIOLENT. They called it now '' SOUTHERN KALARIPAYTTU''  BODHIDHARM the son of south Indian king who left kingdom for NIRWANA AND BECAME founder of ZEN  used to practice kalaripayattu. When he reached  CHINA  to spread Buddhism he carried  the martial art with him. To protect villagers from thieves and robber he taught chinese villagers '' SOUTHERN KALARIPAYTTU'' which later became SHAOLIN KUNG FU.                                      
 KALA TEXTS by SHAIV DHAMM are world famous. Probably it's the only dhamm in the world which gives proper importance to arts. Reason is obvious .BHAGWAN SHIV was himself dancer and musician. Naturally books like NATYASHASTRA were written by SHAIVIS like BHARAT MUNI.Abhinavgupt contributed immensely in Bhartiy Sahityashastr.
10 conclusion
  SHAIV KNOWLEDGE NET is an open system and we can accommodate all kind of knowledge in it. If we want to create Indian educational system prevailing our identity we have to accept SHAIV KNOWLEDGE NET. For e. g. if somebody wants to study PSYCHOLOGY s/he must learn AGAM,PASTOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND FUTUROLOGY in bachelor degree course and FOR MASTER DEGREE HE SHOULD study one of three as special subject .It will automatically create INDIAN PSYCHOLOGY AND INDIAN FUTUROLOGY. We must accommodate every kind of new knowledge in INDIAN COTEXT.
   SHAIV DHAMM kept AGAMS above all because according to them MUKTI OR NIRWAN is the prime and utmost fulfillment of life and HUMAN being is born for it.
  This KNOWLEDGENET structured and constructed many INDIAN PARADIGMS.
 What does it mean?
What is Paradigm?
 Paradigm is the ''PUNJ(clusternet)'' of conceptual ideas which creates logical thoughtflow in our '' ANTH-KARAN''.Through thoughtspandaning of  paradigm and 'paradigm shift' we can explore Indian Society and PANCHYUGAS             
  Hereafter we are going to explore AFRICAN , EUROPEON AS WELL AS INDIAN PARADIGMS by comparative study of paradigms through which we may understand what makes INDIA ''THE INDIA''

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