Tuesday, February 3, 2015


When I wrote a poem 'post post post'  concepting  my personnel rebel against postmodernism I didn't  know that  similar kind of movements are taking place all over the world. The poem appeared in first issue of neolittlemagazine  'SAUSHTHAV'(feb 1993).
After an emergence of biosignoverse new changes were taking  place in India. Telenets , Internet and other semiodities starts displacing the importence of commodities. Computer and T V which were commodities till 1985 got trosformed into semiodity after an emergence and spread of internet and telenets.
Postmodernism was supporting all kind of fragmentations in the name of REBEL AGAINST EUROPEON METANARRATIVES OR REBEL AGAINST ALL KIND OF METANARRATIVES including nativism which was promoting desi  fregmentalism  to establish independent identity ( like MARATHI IDENTITY ) and rebelling against COLONIAL METANARRATIVES assuming that so called NATIVE CULTURE WAS DOING PERFECT JUSTICE TO ALL MEMBERS OF NATIVE CULTURE. It was false assumption based on many misreadings about native culture.

A new rebel was necessary at that time and I was waiting for it . Unfortunately nobody did it and I wrote an article'' CHAUTHI PARAMPARA'' to express my discontent  about post-sixty literature in India . I had written 150 NONTHINGIST POEMS (nirwastuwadi kavita) at that time against THINGISM IN GERMAN LITERATURE which was expressing COMMODIFICATION OF GERMAN SOCIETY WITH GREAT ACCURACY. Hindi and marathi poets were and are following  thingism consciously or unconsciously. So nonthingism was necessary and I was unintentionally professing it in my nonthingist  poems . We had low budget so naturally smallsize poems became obvious choice. ''post-post-post'' was one of them. Now it's available in my collection of poems titled  '' KA.VI.''

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